KFTD Implements Good Corporate Governance through Whistleblowing System (WBS) to Prevent Corruption

Applying Good Corporate Governance (GCG) is one of the main principles of PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD) as part of Kimia Farma Group. Maintaining values is critical to maintaining the trust of both the public and stakeholders. Creating a management system that allows whistleblowers to safely and easily report corruption or bribery is a concrete step to do it.

Whistleblowing System as Part of GCG Principles

The company’s Whistleblowing System (WBS) involves the creation of a special unit that handles reports on bribery. They provide direct access to practical solutions for reporting such misconduct.

Dubbed Unit Pengendali Gratifikasi (Gratification Controlling Unit, or UPG), this unit is responsible for responding to and investigating reports of misconduct related to corruption. Any whistleblowers can report directly or use a designated email address, [email protected], to send their report form and supporting documents as proof.

Once the report is received, the UPG will immediately respond by conducting an investigation and cross-examinations. They will also conduct interviews when necessary, gathering enough proofs to determine misconducts based on proofs.

KFTD’s Good Corporate Governance principles uphold transparency, as proven by this reporting channel and response strategy. This way, the company can ensure that all employees and leaders create a clean, healthy work environment.

Whistleblowing System to Maintain Public Trust

The whistleblowing system is a method to maintain the trust of the public and stakeholders. KFTD commits to upholding GCG principles only in all its vital departments. This is also a part of a special system of management that adheres to anti-corruption and anti-bribery principles.

UPG accepts reports to investigate corruption and bribery in all departments, including vital departments such as Accounting, Finance, Logistics, Marketing, and IT. It also encourages reporting any instances of corruption and bribery conducted by anyone, whether employees or leaders.

Creating a clean and transparent work environment is the responsibility of everyone and all departments in Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution. By following the GCG principles, KFTD ensures that every whistleblowing effort is taken seriously, adhering to the ideal corporate goal.